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Download. This document sets out guidelines for the financial corrections to be applied for irregularities in the application of the Community regulations on public procurement to contracts co-financed by the Structural Funds or the Cohesion Fund during the programming periods 2000-2006 and 2007-2013.
11 Oct 2013 Environmental rules. Equal opportunities. Ineligible expenditure. Information and publicity measures. Information Systems. Public procurement to contract awards not or not fully subject to the provisions of the Public Procurement Directives. ? Case-law of the European Court of Justice. ? National rules
1 Sep 2016 Background. Information regarding procurement can be found in the National Rules, Section 1.8. Grantees must ensure they comply with the requirements of ERDF funding, meeting the. European Union Directives, Scottish public sector legislation and the
Public procurement - principles, and practice of MVs. • Guideline on Financial Corrections. • Workshop. 2 Update the Guidance document (COCOF 08/20/04) on management verifications. • Reflect the changes introduced Public procurement (section 4.1). Objective ensure that Union and national law is complied with,.
29 Sep 2017 Public procurement and the management of Structural Funds; Tasks of Managing and Contracting Authorities; Most frequent public procurement errors; Determining, administrating and defining irregularities; COCOF Guidelines for determining financial corrections to be made to expenditure financed by the
Applicant organisations need to ensure projects comply with procurement
European Commission – Regional Policy - Inforegio.
under shared management, for non-compliance with the rules on public procurement Union law applicable to contract awards not (or not fully) subject to the Public the 2007 – 2013 programming period” (COCOF note 08/0020/04 of 5 June 2008), sets out the Commission's view on how the management verifications
A: If the national procurement law foresees the announcement of awards and a contracting authority fails to do so, it violates national public procurement rules. ETC programmes can refer to the COCOF guidelines for financial corrections for non-compliance with public procurement rules (see point 43), which foresee.
29 Nov 2007 COCOF 07/0037/03-EN. EUROPEAN COMMISSION. GUIDELINES irregularities in the application of the Community regulations on public procurement to contracts co-financed by the regulations and the guidance documents on financial corrections, in particular: Community Directives relating to the